Monthly Archives:June 2016

2016 Award Recipients

2 Jun , 2016,
Kay Ferris
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Congratulations to these hard-working, deserving dancers who were presented with the Belle Academy annual awards at the Spring Performance.

Left to Right —

Karen Webb Tap Scholarship – Maria Manternach

Maria is entering high school and has been studying all genres of dance since a very young girl.   She is a focused student in class, devoted to excellent tap technique, and is an entertaining performer with enthusiasm and style.

Connie Bracey Inspiring Dancer Award – Lucas Thompson

Lucas joined Belle Academy as a three-year-old.  Ever since, he has been a diligent dance student striving to be the best he can be and each year making amazing strides in strength and technique.  Yet, he is humble and kind to all and is loved by everyone in the studio.  He attends Central High School.

Karen Webb Ballet Award – Dayna Tanner

Dayna just graduated from Central High School and has been studying dance almost since she could walk.  After many years of diligence and taking every opportunity to work on her ballet technique, she has become a strong, beautiful ballet dancer.  She will be attending Purdue University this fall, where she will be on the school dance team.





Summer Dance

Jun , 2016,
Kay Ferris
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Summer classes at Belle Academy are unique in that dancers usually separated during the school year have the opportunity to take class together and learn from each other.    It’s a great time to work on technique!  Dancers who take summer classes often make surprising progress.

We are excited about a new Hip Hop class – a session in June and a workshop July 5-8.

The schedule is posted here.